plural form
- 复数形式

' Data ' is the Latin plural form of ' datum ' .
Many , especially those in general use , now only have a regular English plural form .
B : Can we use money in its plural form ?
How to form the Plural Form of nouns ?
This noun appears in the singular form , never in the plural form .
The Plural Form of " Child "
Give the plural form of this noun .
The meanings shall be applied whether the singular or the plural form of the term is used .
There it is used in the plural form to designate the condition of being without the true God .
Ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek .
In this Contract , the masculine form includes the feminine form and the singular form includes the plural form , and vice versa .
Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable . Uncountable nouns even can be countable or in plural form .
This part demonstrates the general analysis of and comparison between Korean and Chinese in Word Meaning Characteristics and usage on the basis of distinguishing the singular form and plural form of first personal pronouns .
The markedness is defined by the presence of the morphological makers of nouns , i.e. the plural form & s or the indefinite article a / an .
Nukus is the plural form of ` noqai ( dog ) ' in Mongolian language but it indicated " wolf " in the tale .
In the selected ten American presidential speeches , the author conducts a detailed analysis of the frequently appeared first person plural form , hedges and euphemisms as these three linguistic strategies are means to achieve pragmatic empathy .
That is the plural form of crime is implemented as a precondition for the establishment , as achieved by an act constitutes a crime , or the result of several acts , it is the partition problem between Imaginative Joinder and Implicated .
The paper will investigate its general representation , characteristics , revolutionary quality and innovation of its plural text form .
The focus are : ( 1 ) a relationship between the singular number and plural number form of dialect pronoun ;
The enterprise of foreign affairs for youth thus must meet such a change , further serve youth 's interest needs , and strengthen the international exchange between youth groups . Meanwhile , the project of human resource development should also be multi-leveled and plural in form .
In contrast , the attempt by her guardians to stop her doing this ( a common enough occurrence ) is hardly a multicultural move , since it wants to keep the cultures separate in ( what can be called ) a plural monocultural form .
Lurmen is both the plural and singular form of the species name .
The creation of this plural mixing text form cannot be separated from postmodernism text viewpoint and Calvino 's personal literature stand .
It is an effective way at the certain stage for the city to make a single center to plural ones and form a harmonious city to solve traffic problems .
Use the trademark only as an adjective , never as a noun or verb and never in the plural or possessive form .
The plural mixing text form is generally represented in the following : ( 1 ) The boundaries between the independent components : author , text , reader , in the traditional literature are broken . These components are mixed as part of the text in the fiction .